If you are not into GUITARS this blog is not for you....Otherwise READ ON...
After many months on working on this project both the TRAPEAZE and
its dedicated website are now ready and LIVE!
As a guitarist and collector I always loved 50's Les Pauls
Well of course they are not cheap ,we all know that.
Funnily enough the older the 50's Les Pauls are the cheapest they are
This is due to a major flaw in the design in the early 1952 and 1953 gold top models.
The problem being, the totally useless trapeze with strings wrapping under a
big chunky steel bar, making it impossible to mute the strings when needed.
It took Gibson 2 years to redesign the GOLD TOP , in 1954 they changed the neck angle
and bolted a wrapover tailpiece straigth into the body as a remedy.
Nowadays a 1952/53 Gold top will cost about £10K
in comparison,the second version will cost at least double that amount.
This bugged me for years, so I embarked on designing the TRAPEAZE SOLUTION
The same way I make jewellery , I carved a PROTOTYPE and cast in
various metals, and test each one on a real 1952 LES PAUL
After many modifications, upgrades and tests, the TRAPRAZE is ready.
It takes a few minutes to install and needs NO modifications to the guitar
My very first customer is no other than RICK NIELSEN of CHEAP TRICK
my second customer BILLY GIBBONS of this LIL OLD BAND fromTEJAS
Both great guitarists and VINTAGE GUITAR AFFICIONADOS.
My TRAPEAZE is totally hand made one at a time just like all the jewellery